Welcome, Ty! Former Drake Basketball coach, Hail, Both Funny and Appalling stories
....check out the roundup of columns from this past week
National Politics….Iowa Congressional Politics….Local Politics…Around Iowa….Sports…Food, Entertainment & Travel….Cars and Transportation…History….Weather and Environment…Travel…Humor….Poetry
We are delighted to welcome the wit and wisdom of
and his new column, Ty’s Take. If you haven’t followed his work that appeared in Iowa newspapers, or for Iowa Starting Line, or followed his prolific social media posts, here are the bullet points of a resume that hints at the deep roots he has established in this, his adopted state of Iowa. Ty is also a panelist on the IWC’s Iowa Down Ballot podcast.The first entry is his latest adventure as a professor of journalism.
Assistant Professor at the University of Iowa School of Journalism and Mass Communication
President (title) at Iowa Association of Black Journalists
Former Senior Editor at Iowa Starting Line
Former Managing Editor at The N'West Iowa REVIEW
Former Business Reporter at Sioux City Journal
Former Staff writer at The N'West Iowa REVIEW
Former Senior Staff Writer at Newton Daily News
National Politics
has an interesting take on the national election: Don't we count actual votes in presidential elections? Making sense of the Electoral College - Baseball and Ballots. takes stock of our whirlwind summer-- just two months of it, really --led by the roller coaster of a presidential race that saw Joe Biden drop out, Kamala Harris take his place, and an assassination attempt on Donald Trump.After covering the Iowa caucuses for many years
offers "A Rural Media Strategy for the Harris-Walz campaign.”Also, Leonard’s review of Ruth Harkin’s book, My Husband Ran for President and Other Short Stories, is in today’s Des Moines Register.
writes from the nation’s capital that Iowa’s “watchdogs” in Congress are sleeping through yet another scandal involving Donald Trump, choosing partisanship over respect and honor for the nation’s fallen military heroes. on Media says the first sit-down interview with Kamala Harris shows exactly what this race is about.Iowa Congressional Politics
Ed Tibbetts at Along the Mississippi writes about what Chuck Grassley and Kamala Harris have in common. And Ed’s newsletter turns two years old!
It's not every day that a Republican with Steve King's seal of approval urges his supporters to vote for a Democrat!
shares an updated version of her story on the strange happenings in Iowa's fourth Congressional district.Could this be a year for a political miracle? Ryan Melton believes a perfect storm is brewing in western Iowa that could be powerful enough to elect him to congress. Listen to the podcast or read the transcript from
’s Iowa Potluck.The DNC Convention & Iowa Legislative Races
yearns to turn the page. Gus ‘put him in the tank.’Laura Belin and Spencer Dirks discussed Iowa angles on the Democratic National Convention, news from Congressional and legislative races, and more on "KHOI's Capitol Week."
Around Iowa
To begin the school year,
shares a story about the struggles of refugee students. Pause and think for a minute about what the new school year means for children who do not speak English.This week's
Shouts and Whispers column highlights the bold and progressive contributions of two Iowa women to find justice for others and redress historical wounds. Roxanne Conlin and Trudy Holman just turned 80 and they're not slowing down yet. takes us on an Iowa backroad to enjoy the backstory of one unusual lawn ornament.The strange and terrible saga of Phill the water buffalo as told by an embedded correspondent (Coming Sunday afternoon).
has the story.Sports
From player to coach to parent of elite athletes, former Drake basketball star Kristi Kinne Hayes is the subject of
column in The Crossover. says University of Iowa football is back, and it’s going to be weird.Food, Entertainment, and Travel
regularly serves metro readers news and reviews they can use when deciding where to dine. This week, she reports on many fab places you can pre-order and pick up great cuisine. According to
: Sixty percent of what the typical American adult eats--and nearly 70% of kids' diets--consist of ultra-processed foods like cookies, sodas, cereals, and frozen meals. How can we get mainstream Iowa to improve their diets? Denmark has some great ideas. compares Winterset with Washington Island, Wisconsin, where each August she enjoys her Sojourn of Solitude, reading, writing, and sewing surrounded by nature.

Cars and Transportation
Nike shoe designer brings cutting-edge look to Ford Maverick, Mustang.
tells of being inspired by musician Jack White of White Stripes and Third Man Records. A fresh, unique look at threads in cars.

unearthed a forgotten or unknown piece of Iowa history: The story of Arabella Mansfield, the first woman lawyer in Iowa -- and in America. The first female lawyer in America was from Iowa. In a photo essay, “She hath done what she could,”
writes about the Dorcas Sewing Circle of almost a century ago. He contends Circle members were much like women of this era throughout Iowa.Iowa Falls veteran Chuck Taylor has accumulated enough World War II memorabilia to fill a museum. He and folks in Iowa Falls proposed to do just that - open a museum. Read about it in
's new View From the Cedar Valley column. has a chilling memory of a major news story he covered 42 years ago.Weather and Environment
Oh, hail no! Occurrences of large hail increasing with climate change in Iowa. skewers anyone in power he does not believe takes the existential threat of Iowa’s water quality seriously, including the current standard bearer of the Iowa Democratic Party, State Auditor Rob Sand, and his communications director. shares late-summer musings and photos of Iowa outdoors. Hot or not, it’s a wonderful world. Larry’s words and images are something to savor.Travel
What does
discover when she finds her ancestral farm in Connemara, Ireland? Read a letter from her great-grandmother, learn what it says about families and emigration in the twentieth century, and discover how her words echo in our world today.I smiled at the thought that there had once been a bright red door on the cottage. I recalled the story of Queen Victoria’s husband’s death in 1861. Overcome with grief; his widow commanded all her subjects to paint their doors black in mourning. In rebellion, the Irish painted their doors red, blue, purple, yellow, and green—every bright color—but black. Mary Swander
Books and Art
, and Steve Semken: Return to the Power of Words: weight and whispers.Personal Development
wants you to try being bad at more things in her Midwest Creative this week.Humor
attempts to wrap his head around the fact that today’s high school seniors will be graduating a quarter-century after he did and offers those students some advice in “A Message for the Class of 2025.”Vicki Minor, in her column
, reports on back-to-school doggy style.Poetry
Suzanna de Baca offers a new poem called "Self Portrait as a Hummingbird," inspired by experts who say August and September is the best time to feed these birds.