Welcome to the Iowa Writers Collaborative.
Keep community-based local journalism and commentary alive.
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When you support the Iowa Writers Collaborative, you receive:
A weekly roundup of reporting and columns from fifty of the best regional journalists in the country.
A monthly Zoom conversation we call The Office Lounge.
An invitation to real-time gatherings in Iowa.
The Iowa Writers Collaborative supports writers and songwriters who report and write about real life—your life—giving voice to those typically ignored by the mainstream media.
Your paid support makes their work possible.
Donate to the Iowa Writers Collaborative today to keep real, accountable, community-based local journalism alive.
Donate once:
Or offer annual or monthly recurring support:
Who we are
The Iowa Writers Collaborative is a group of independent professional journalists and storytellers.
Some of us discuss politics, and some don't. Some are funny, and others are deadly serious. We have poets and songwriters in our midst, including one who was designated the Iowa Poet Laurette. We have Grammy-nominated musicians and a Pulitzer winner.
Our writers have appeared in The Des Moines Register, The Quad City Times, The Washington Post, the New York Times, The Atlantic, Time, and more.
Help keep local independent journalism alive by supporting the Iowa Writers Collaborative.
Meet our writers
Each writer is independent and has a Substack of their own.