Thanks to the Iowa journalists and Julie G for sharing this. I learned a lot about Substack and how it is different from the media system who just want you to keep scrolling through crap.
I'm not an Iowa Writers Collaborative member but I found and watched this from start to finish.
As a lifelong Luddite I tried and failed to sign up for Stripe so I have not been able to turn on Paid Subscriptions yet. I signed up in late October and figuring out how to use this. Never owned a laptop or computer and on my first too small "smart" phone so all a challenge.
I think you have a good idea with the Collaborative and I know one of you mentioned making one third of your income on substack and another $50,000 so that is inspirational.
I hope some of my forthcoming personal journalism will become international news stories....I have unsuccessfully tried to get the Des Moines Register and Quad City Times and the USA justice department and some other journalists to cover. (My art site) I had to pay for technical help ....found a Kinkos.......still can't upload photos without help.
There is a big story re extremist race hatred ethnic hatred religious hatred hate crimes by multiple davenport iowa city staff and mayor by the same people who literally said white landlords are superior "higher class citizens " and black tenants are inferior "lowlifes". This long detailed story includes trespassing theft....declaring gardens illegal as a form of Criminal race ethnic religious hatred.
More details soon but in 2021 I wrote to the mayor Mike Mattson and city administrator Corey Spiegal and human Resources Director Allison Fleming and Lawyer Brian Heyer detailing false documentation abuse of authority and extremist on the job race hatred by city inspector Chris Haut who was one of the inspectors giving favorable treatment to white landlords including Andrw Wold owner of 324 main st.
City staff on Dec ?,2022 as an open anti Native American anti mixed race hate crimes trespassed into my yard and destroyed Native American Religious Artwork as an act of hatred and destroyed $1000s of dollars of plants blueberry blackberry raspberry bushes and perennial flower seedlings organic fertilizer and expensive flower pots and tomato cages. A police report was filled on December 9, 2022 and if police had done real Investigation multiple city employees would have been would have come out how city said they were operating in an alliance with white landlords to try to replace black tenants Chris Haut and his superiors called "lowlifes" with white people.(much more to this story. I wish Art Cullen lived in Davenport because the Quad City Times will not report.
After another city employee alerted me that Chris Haut had been "fired" and that there was a public written iowa unemployment appeal decision I informed WC times reporter Sarah Watson who was unaware.
I did succeed in getting the qc times reporter Sarah Watson to do a small story about how city of davenport told Chris Haut he was being fired for cause for something to do with his relationship with Andrew Wald but the city told Haut that if he resigned they would allow him to resign and collect unemployment..
They city had knowledge that Haut engaged in race hatred Criminal conduct that should be criminally prosecuted with up to life in prison....the city kept it secret because each and every single person in the chain of command should be prosecuted as race ethnic religious hatred Criminals. Includesing city administrator Corey Spiegal and lawyers Brian Heyer and mayor Mattson could and should be criminally prosecuted.
The city has a seperate race hatred ethnic hatred religious hatred police squad headed now by Andrew Haut and police and according to Haut all say things like "we have different rules for lowlifes in lowlife neighborhoods and higher class citizens In higher class neighborhoods" and that black tenants are lowlifes.
The Quad City Times should not have assumed that I'm telling the truth But They Should Have Investigated.
Last things i will mention now what I know to be a race hatred ethnic hatred religious hatred hate crimes the city intentionally trespassed onto the Slagles Grocery Store to destroy or steal 1000s of dollars of brand new coolers behind a privacy fence about to be installed ti improve the Grocery Store. This was a hate crime against Sikh Immigrant Business Family headed by a man named Jaswinder Singh....abusing the city "brush and debris removal" program they repeatedly trespassed onto his property....according to Jaswinder Singh the city put close to $10,000 in liens on his property. I hope that they have not accepted a financial settlement and will sue and join me in attempting to press criminal charges.
Haut had explained in detail the race ethnic religious hatred motivation. I hope every Sikh newspaper in the entire world will soon report on this series of hate crimes.
A big professional journalist should have looked into it but it's a story they don't want to cover.
And I don't know where it stands but after former white Hispanic Alderman Ortiz used the word "Nigger" and variations (sorry his words not min in a city council meeting in city hall with 5 Aldermen present .....when the sole black Alderman Tim Kelly complained from his seat during a city council meeting the other white aldermen present refused to comment and Alderman Ortiz filed a lawsuit against Tim Kelly the black Alderman who complained..
By the his last meeting as Alderman in December 2023 Alderman Ortiz admitted to me that he used the n word in city hall but he believed he used it appropriately and the black Alderman should have kept quiet. This was reported on but it should have been national story..
This is such a big story but professional journalist won't touch it. (Hi Ed Tibbets....did you ever look up the mysterious Chris Haut Unemployment Appeal Decision? )
On September 2nd and repeatedly since I have been burglarized by members of city employees Rebecca Woolam and Matthew Woolam but police refused to help me like years ago they refused to help deaf former Alderman Keith Meyer....stories about how they knew he was deaf and intentionally discriminated against him by refusing to provide basic police protection..
I don't know yet how to get copy of a warrant but after Davenport police including police chief Jeffrey Bladel and I think major brown refused to help....the Iowa Department of Criminal Investigations on September 14 2024 arrested wanted Fugitive Stetson Carter....who I am positive repeatedly burglarized my home...Carter was arrested inside an illegal rv rental where Matthew Woolam and Matthew Houteyshelli have rented 3 sheds and multiple vehicles to homeless meth customers...
This all sounds too crazy to be true....and yet that warrant will prove that wanted fugitive Stetson Carter was arrested hiding in the Woolam Family RV rental.
From 4am to 6sm Matthew Woolam professional criminall has been loudly loading and
Unloading what is probably stolen goods in or out of his black Silverado pickup...I don't call the police....the police have threatened to arrest me forcalling for help. They also threatened to arrest black couple Terry Family in seperate case but the qc times would not report on that either.
I should not have to try to tell these stories as a devastated crimes victim but the police and professional journalists won't.
As I mentioned before though....I believe that tha anti Sikh Immigrant race hatred ethnic hatred religious hatred Crimes is so easy with time and resources to prove ifvi can live long enough and not go homeless I believe it will be a national and international news story.
I have not yet figured out how to sign up for Stripe and I only sleep a couple hours a night now and have nesr constant migraines making it difficult to do things and I lost my car and restaurant delivery driver job due to September theft and vandalism....I do have a creative arts and journalism and survival GoFundMe campaign if anyone wants to support my journalism
...and of course Mr Bird is my chosen arts name....I should be gardening and art and fixing up my house anonymously...
After I found out that there's a public iowa unemployment appeals decision giving Haut's version of events but not the city because the city refused to participate in order to try to prevent public disclosure. The Quad City Times did a tiny article but no additional investigation.
And there is dated written documents on file with HUD Kansas City Civil Rights Investigations for City government housing Rights violations
Alledged by me that an inspector of a building that collapsed said that "the job of the city is to come down hard on the lowlifes on behalf of the higher class citizens" and blatant race a bare minimum the mayor and police and hr and legal and admin should have looked into investigated my allegations. Even with the deaths of my favorite food delivery customer at 324 main st Ryan Hitchcock and Brandon Colvin Sr and Daniel Prien and the on site amputation of Then downtown artist Peaches Berry. No news reporters will even investigate.
As you all know....if you investigate you can sometimes determine that something is true....or not true.....or you can not determine.....but no investigation means you don't care. An investigative reporter willing to track down other davenport iowa employees Haut also told ne more than once..."you have to understand why I'm so sympathetic to the landlords is because I'm a landlord too" going on to explain that while he now lives on "a 3 and a half acre country estate out in the county" he kept his Bettendorf house as a rental. He said...." The worst thing that can happen to a landlord is to get stuck with lowlife tenants"...and he said he and the city were helping a major white landlord to replace his "lowlifes"black tenants with higher class white tenants on the orders of Mayor Mike Mattson and all
Most happily, ‘catching the brain rot’, late tonight by the beach outside Tulum, Mexico. This is the powerhouse effect of what Hamish and Julie, I believe are alluding to regarding Substack’s role.
Although being a neophyte personally with this new information vehicle, I’m confident in its substantial potential.
From my perspective, it’s an equivalent tool, much like the secret printing presses used by Paine and Adams for pamphlets before and during the American revolution. Read by people who were thirsting for knowledge about events unseen yet, critically important to spreading awareness.
For myself, it provides the unvarnished truth for masses of citizens struggling for hope amidst the woeful chaos.
Well, I love that group of caring people
That’s truth, helping others
Thanks to the Iowa journalists and Julie G for sharing this. I learned a lot about Substack and how it is different from the media system who just want you to keep scrolling through crap.
Thank you for setting this up Julie. Amazing to hear his story. So cool that you have brought our work into his orbit. Thank you!
I love and appreciate this so very much………
and we appreciate you...
I'm not an Iowa Writers Collaborative member but I found and watched this from start to finish.
As a lifelong Luddite I tried and failed to sign up for Stripe so I have not been able to turn on Paid Subscriptions yet. I signed up in late October and figuring out how to use this. Never owned a laptop or computer and on my first too small "smart" phone so all a challenge.
I think you have a good idea with the Collaborative and I know one of you mentioned making one third of your income on substack and another $50,000 so that is inspirational.
I hope some of my forthcoming personal journalism will become international news stories....I have unsuccessfully tried to get the Des Moines Register and Quad City Times and the USA justice department and some other journalists to cover. (My art site) I had to pay for technical help ....found a Kinkos.......still can't upload photos without help.
There is a big story re extremist race hatred ethnic hatred religious hatred hate crimes by multiple davenport iowa city staff and mayor by the same people who literally said white landlords are superior "higher class citizens " and black tenants are inferior "lowlifes". This long detailed story includes trespassing theft....declaring gardens illegal as a form of Criminal race ethnic religious hatred.
More details soon but in 2021 I wrote to the mayor Mike Mattson and city administrator Corey Spiegal and human Resources Director Allison Fleming and Lawyer Brian Heyer detailing false documentation abuse of authority and extremist on the job race hatred by city inspector Chris Haut who was one of the inspectors giving favorable treatment to white landlords including Andrw Wold owner of 324 main st.
City staff on Dec ?,2022 as an open anti Native American anti mixed race hate crimes trespassed into my yard and destroyed Native American Religious Artwork as an act of hatred and destroyed $1000s of dollars of plants blueberry blackberry raspberry bushes and perennial flower seedlings organic fertilizer and expensive flower pots and tomato cages. A police report was filled on December 9, 2022 and if police had done real Investigation multiple city employees would have been would have come out how city said they were operating in an alliance with white landlords to try to replace black tenants Chris Haut and his superiors called "lowlifes" with white people.(much more to this story. I wish Art Cullen lived in Davenport because the Quad City Times will not report.
After another city employee alerted me that Chris Haut had been "fired" and that there was a public written iowa unemployment appeal decision I informed WC times reporter Sarah Watson who was unaware.
I did succeed in getting the qc times reporter Sarah Watson to do a small story about how city of davenport told Chris Haut he was being fired for cause for something to do with his relationship with Andrew Wald but the city told Haut that if he resigned they would allow him to resign and collect unemployment..
They city had knowledge that Haut engaged in race hatred Criminal conduct that should be criminally prosecuted with up to life in prison....the city kept it secret because each and every single person in the chain of command should be prosecuted as race ethnic religious hatred Criminals. Includesing city administrator Corey Spiegal and lawyers Brian Heyer and mayor Mattson could and should be criminally prosecuted.
The city has a seperate race hatred ethnic hatred religious hatred police squad headed now by Andrew Haut and police and according to Haut all say things like "we have different rules for lowlifes in lowlife neighborhoods and higher class citizens In higher class neighborhoods" and that black tenants are lowlifes.
The Quad City Times should not have assumed that I'm telling the truth But They Should Have Investigated.
Last things i will mention now what I know to be a race hatred ethnic hatred religious hatred hate crimes the city intentionally trespassed onto the Slagles Grocery Store to destroy or steal 1000s of dollars of brand new coolers behind a privacy fence about to be installed ti improve the Grocery Store. This was a hate crime against Sikh Immigrant Business Family headed by a man named Jaswinder Singh....abusing the city "brush and debris removal" program they repeatedly trespassed onto his property....according to Jaswinder Singh the city put close to $10,000 in liens on his property. I hope that they have not accepted a financial settlement and will sue and join me in attempting to press criminal charges.
Haut had explained in detail the race ethnic religious hatred motivation. I hope every Sikh newspaper in the entire world will soon report on this series of hate crimes.
A big professional journalist should have looked into it but it's a story they don't want to cover.
And I don't know where it stands but after former white Hispanic Alderman Ortiz used the word "Nigger" and variations (sorry his words not min in a city council meeting in city hall with 5 Aldermen present .....when the sole black Alderman Tim Kelly complained from his seat during a city council meeting the other white aldermen present refused to comment and Alderman Ortiz filed a lawsuit against Tim Kelly the black Alderman who complained..
By the his last meeting as Alderman in December 2023 Alderman Ortiz admitted to me that he used the n word in city hall but he believed he used it appropriately and the black Alderman should have kept quiet. This was reported on but it should have been national story..
This is such a big story but professional journalist won't touch it. (Hi Ed Tibbets....did you ever look up the mysterious Chris Haut Unemployment Appeal Decision? )
On September 2nd and repeatedly since I have been burglarized by members of city employees Rebecca Woolam and Matthew Woolam but police refused to help me like years ago they refused to help deaf former Alderman Keith Meyer....stories about how they knew he was deaf and intentionally discriminated against him by refusing to provide basic police protection..
I don't know yet how to get copy of a warrant but after Davenport police including police chief Jeffrey Bladel and I think major brown refused to help....the Iowa Department of Criminal Investigations on September 14 2024 arrested wanted Fugitive Stetson Carter....who I am positive repeatedly burglarized my home...Carter was arrested inside an illegal rv rental where Matthew Woolam and Matthew Houteyshelli have rented 3 sheds and multiple vehicles to homeless meth customers...
This all sounds too crazy to be true....and yet that warrant will prove that wanted fugitive Stetson Carter was arrested hiding in the Woolam Family RV rental.
From 4am to 6sm Matthew Woolam professional criminall has been loudly loading and
Unloading what is probably stolen goods in or out of his black Silverado pickup...I don't call the police....the police have threatened to arrest me forcalling for help. They also threatened to arrest black couple Terry Family in seperate case but the qc times would not report on that either.
I should not have to try to tell these stories as a devastated crimes victim but the police and professional journalists won't.
As I mentioned before though....I believe that tha anti Sikh Immigrant race hatred ethnic hatred religious hatred Crimes is so easy with time and resources to prove ifvi can live long enough and not go homeless I believe it will be a national and international news story.
I have not yet figured out how to sign up for Stripe and I only sleep a couple hours a night now and have nesr constant migraines making it difficult to do things and I lost my car and restaurant delivery driver job due to September theft and vandalism....I do have a creative arts and journalism and survival GoFundMe campaign if anyone wants to support my journalism
...and of course Mr Bird is my chosen arts name....I should be gardening and art and fixing up my house anonymously...
After I found out that there's a public iowa unemployment appeals decision giving Haut's version of events but not the city because the city refused to participate in order to try to prevent public disclosure. The Quad City Times did a tiny article but no additional investigation.
And there is dated written documents on file with HUD Kansas City Civil Rights Investigations for City government housing Rights violations
Alledged by me that an inspector of a building that collapsed said that "the job of the city is to come down hard on the lowlifes on behalf of the higher class citizens" and blatant race a bare minimum the mayor and police and hr and legal and admin should have looked into investigated my allegations. Even with the deaths of my favorite food delivery customer at 324 main st Ryan Hitchcock and Brandon Colvin Sr and Daniel Prien and the on site amputation of Then downtown artist Peaches Berry. No news reporters will even investigate.
As you all know....if you investigate you can sometimes determine that something is true....or not true.....or you can not determine.....but no investigation means you don't care. An investigative reporter willing to track down other davenport iowa employees Haut also told ne more than once..."you have to understand why I'm so sympathetic to the landlords is because I'm a landlord too" going on to explain that while he now lives on "a 3 and a half acre country estate out in the county" he kept his Bettendorf house as a rental. He said...." The worst thing that can happen to a landlord is to get stuck with lowlife tenants"...and he said he and the city were helping a major white landlord to replace his "lowlifes"black tenants with higher class white tenants on the orders of Mayor Mike Mattson and all
I'm so frustrated.
Most happily, ‘catching the brain rot’, late tonight by the beach outside Tulum, Mexico. This is the powerhouse effect of what Hamish and Julie, I believe are alluding to regarding Substack’s role.
Although being a neophyte personally with this new information vehicle, I’m confident in its substantial potential.
From my perspective, it’s an equivalent tool, much like the secret printing presses used by Paine and Adams for pamphlets before and during the American revolution. Read by people who were thirsting for knowledge about events unseen yet, critically important to spreading awareness.
For myself, it provides the unvarnished truth for masses of citizens struggling for hope amidst the woeful chaos.